The claims submission/reporting process is very reliable and easy and the primary reason I still use them. I have been told a complete redesign is in the works, however, they offer no details, time table or roadmap. I have used Valant for almost 3 years and I am considering moving to a different EHR system. Reliable software, but outdated interface and surpassed in features by competitors.

Navicure, the integrated insurance clearinghouse just raised their rates. The patient's diagnoses can be entered using mobile notes, but then, I have to open the patient chart and reenter them or else when I go to bill, it says there is no visit diagnosis. I had to write a few paper prescriptions when the mobile notes and e-Prescribing crashed the other day. The system has crashed several times in the past 10 months, never for more than a few hours, but enough to disrupt my workflow. In mobile notes, there is no functionality of the tab button (for indentation) when I am trying to write a note and this annoys me to no end. I have done so, but still have the same issue except the message on my computer is that the Silverlight plug-in has crashed. I made repeated calls to tech support and their solution was to change browsers to Firefox. When I entered nonclinical patient information in the "patients" tab and hit save, Microsoft internet explorer would crash, but not every time. There are recurring problems that no one can seem to solve.