I think 1 point in lightning shots with 3 cosmic will be plenty.

Ghost train's cooldown is too high to be worth it's low dmg, even with it's legendarium mod. Shield car and mortar are so weak in comparison that they aren't worth using. I've only died once and that was on the burning ground challenge stages when i got cocky. Lay track is at 10 because the piercing helps the car proc things like spiders. Once i have 3 pieces of lvl 60 cosmic worth wearing I will likely drop down to 8 on shotgun and flamethrower and go to 4 in mortar/shield/ghost for the extra crit/cdr/atkspd. The build i linked has the lightning shot but I've been less than impressed with it so far.
#Torchlight 3 builds railmaster mods
Use the doompipe and shotgun shield mods so you never accidentally use them without endurance boost. Level 10 shotgun and level 10 flamethrower clean house, each can carry you on it's own but both is just absurdly strong. Chance to Return an Endurance on Melee Attack +1.50% per level.The train needs investment to feel good at all.Increased Damage to Spike Drive +4.20% per level.Unlocks By: Spending 15 skill points in Lineage Spike Drive: Sunder the earth with your weapon, sending out cracks that do 125% weapons damage and leave enemies slowed for 50% for 6 seconds. Healing for 5 seconds after using a lineage skill +4.20% per level The Railmaster is a melee-oriented class with a big twist in the form of a profoundly unique pet choice - a fully automated.It moves forward doing 200% weapons damage and knocks back your foes. Ghost Train: Call forth the spirit of an ancient train. Damage vs Stunned, Blinded, or Slowed targets +5.88% per level.Lantern Flash Blind Duration +8.50% per level.Unlocks By: Spending 10 skill points in Lineage The duration of the blinding lasts for 0.5 seconds and the burn duration for six seconds. Lantern Flash: Use the power embedded in your ancient lantern to burn enemies for 125% weapon damage and Blind them. Endurance recharge rate +4.20% per level.Unlocks By: Spending 5 skill points in Lineage Originally posted by Shogun: using any 2hander is no good. Hammer Spin Speed Boost Duration +17.00% per levelįlying Picks: Throw out two pickaxes dealing 30% weapon damage that leaves enemies bleeding for an additional 80% for 6 seconds. the best weapon would be a 1h melee+focus, as you can get 50 damage reduction for 10sec on melee.

Unlocks By: Spending 1 skill point in Lineage Movement speed is boosted by 50% for 2 seconds. Hammer Spin: Spin around with your hammer, dealing 100% weapon damage, knocking back your foes, and gaining a speed boost after. Unlocks By: Spending 1 skill point in Lineage